Thursday, June 12, 2008

Horrays and boos

Well there is much more horraying (that HAS to be a word spell check!) than booing (yes! that checks out!) today. Talked to some of my colleagues, i.e. people who put up with me, and some awesome things have occurred. A commercial contest I entered awhile ago with a couple of my friends won first prize. Though it wasn't the GRAND prize, it still was worth 4000 dollars and the ability to brag. Adding to that bragging is the simple fact that I just may forget to tell people there was a GRAND prize winner and leave it at "We won first place!" and not elaborate. That looks better on a resume and portfolio in my humble opinion. The money isn't really what I am excited about, more so the fact that something I had a hand in was deemed worthy enough to bestow a cash reward upon it. I'll take the recognition over the money, the hardware over the chedda (yeah yeah, not gonna fight that one, YOU WIN AGAIN SPELL CHECK).

On another note, got a nice text from another colleague yesterday inquiring if I wanted to co-produce an independent feature length film with him. After thinking about it for about as long as it took me to figure out how to spell inquiring (did you know inguiring is a word?!), I said yes and we spoke today. Turns out the old ball and chain (the 9-5, not the girlfriend) wouldn't interfere in giving it my all, so it looks like it will work out. Definitely looking forward to that.

The boos come from my inability to come up with a GREAT ending for my latest screenplay. Not some ho hum aliens kill Cate Blanchett and fly away in their spaceship kind of ending. No, I am looking for a Crying Game, HOLY SHIT SHES A DUDE! type ending to my script. A payoff that will make the entire, boring, nonsensical (really? a word?) journey that is my script, a journey that probably only my mother would take, worth it in the end. I need to muddle around in my mind and come up with something that not only makes sense, but is TOTALLY FREAKING AWESOME! Alright, enough of that, time to dive into my weird mess of a mind.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A year past film school...

It has been a year since I graduated from film school and what a year it has been. Under my belt I have a couple of commercials, a completed script, a script 2/3rds done, and a 9 to 5 job. Now the 9-5 is not a shock to me. Right after I graduated I got the job because I knew I would have bills to pay and wanted to actually eat more than once a day. So I don't look at the 9-5 as a failure to realize my dreams, shit, my dreams are stronger now than ever.

By my nature, I am an impatient person. I want instant gratification and only recently have I learned how to accept letting things come with time. So every time I watch a movie it should come as no surprise that I want to be a director NOW! Not a commercial director, or a webisode director, but a feature film director. Not that those others are not noble professions, they are just not my ultimate dream. I know many successful filmmakers will tell me to keep working at it, keep filming on the nights and weekends and staying up wayyyyy too late to write the next great story, but dammit I want it NOW!

The hardest part is that there is no set path to being a film director. If you want to be a doctor, you go to med school, you are a resident, then you (hopefully) become a doctor. If you want to be the CEO of a large company, you get your MBA, you work at an entry level position, and work your way up to be top dog. But for film?! I'll be damned if there is a set path you can see that will lead one to being a director. One of the Farrelly brothers was selling circular beach towels before he wrote and directed Dumb and Dumber! Not any beach towel...CIRCULAR BEACH TOWELS! I just wish I knew what I was doing wrong, or right for that matter, so I know that I might be somewhere NEAR a path to filmmaking. But in this business, I just have to keep trudging along, keep filming, keep writing, and making sure that if any opportunity comes my way I am ready to take it. Here goes nothing....